Proof of Identity

  • Please scan a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport and create a PDF to upload on this form.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.

  • Proof of the child’s identity and age may include a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, birth registration card, notification of birth (hospital, physician or midwife record), passport, copy of the placement agreement or other proof of the child’s identity from a child placing agency (foster care and adoption agencies), record from a public school in Virginia, certification by a principal or his designee of a public school in the U. S. that a certified copy of the child’s birth record was previously presented or copy of the entrustment agreement conferring temporary legal custody of a child to an independent foster parent. Viewing the child’s proof of identity is not necessary when the child attends a public school in Virginia and the center assumes responsibility for the child directly from the school (i.e., after school program) or the center transfers responsibility of the child directly to the school (i.e., before school program). While programs are not required to keep the proof of the child’s identity, documentation of viewing this information must be maintained for each child.

    Section 63.2-1809 of the Code of Virginia states that the proof of identity, if reproduced or retained by the child day program or both, shall be destroyed upon the conclusion of the requisite period of retention. The procedures for the disposal, physical destruction or other disposition of the proof of identity containing social security numbers shall include all reasonable steps to destroy such documents by (i) shredding,. (ii) erasing, or (iii) otherwise modifying the social security numbers in those records to make them unreadable or indecipherable by any means.